New Patients & Patient Information
Our front office staff will help you to schedule appointments, complete necessary paperwork, and answer any billing questions that you may have.
Patient Appointments
Patients are seen by appointment only. We make every effort to be on time for our patients, and we ask the same courtesy from your family. If you cannot keep an appointment, please notify us immediately, giving a minimum of 48 hour notice to avoid any missed appointment fees. We realize that unexpected illnesses and emergencies may occur, but we ask for your assistance in this regard.
Our office strives to schedule appointments at your convenience and when time is available.
Insurance & Patient Co-payments
If you have insurance we will help you determine the coverage you have available. In order to best assist you, it is important that you submit your dental and/or medical insurance information to us with your New Patient Paperwork a minimum of two business days prior to your scheduled appointment. This allows us time to contact your insurance company and obtain a breakdown of the benefits your employer or you may have purchased from the company. In addition, you will want to bring a dental benefit book that your carrier should be able to provide. Our business team will be happy to help you understand your policy.
Should you be diagnosed with treatment services, we will be able to provide you with a detailed plan which will give you an estimate of how much your insurance company may pay for each procedure, as well as the portion you will be expected to pay at the time of service.
Professional care is provided to you, our patient family, and not to an insurance company. The insurance company is responsible only to the patient as a benefit from the employer or individual plan purchase, and the patient is responsible to the doctor. We will assist you in every way we can in the filing of your dental or medical claim and handling of insurance questions from our office on your behalf.
Financial Policy
In an effort to reduce the cost to you, the patient, while maintaining the highest level of professional care, we have established the financial policy as follows:
— Payment of any account balance is due in full within 20 days of statement date.
— We gladly accept Visa, Discover, American Express, or MasterCard payments.
— Payment plans are available through
Appointments & Consultations
All patients that are referred to our office from another practice, or who have self-referred themselves for a second opinion are required to undergo a complete examination by our doctors before providing their diagnosis opinion. Please ensure that all available x-rays and chart notes from your prior office have been transferred to us prior to the scheduled appointment for review. Please note that many offices require 7 to 14 business days to transfer records.
It is imperative that we have all available dental (and medical if related to trauma or medically diagnosed disorder) insurance information in a timely manner, as we will be providing you with a comprehensive treatment estimate after your consultation with the doctor.
If you have questions about the consultation services we provide, please email us today or call at (206) 466-2424.
Downloadable Forms
Please download and print the forms below and bring them in to your scheduled appointment with Dr. Goraya.
Sorry – we’re currently updating our new patient and downloadable forms! Current versions are available in the office, or, if you need, please contact us for the most up-to-date versions.
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Informational Links
Seattle’s Family Dentistry is committed to providing our patients with the knowledge and tools to make the best choices when it comes to their dental care. Below we have provided links to other sites that include valuable information regarding maintaining good oral hygiene. We hope you find these sites useful and informative!
The ADA is the nation’s largest dental association. Its website contains a vast library of information on a variety of oral health care topics, as well as in-depth explanations of almost all dental procedures.
Academy of General Dentistry is second largest dental association in the U.S. Its website made for the general public, Know Your Teeth, contains a variety of dental information, including a comprehensive glossary of dental terms.
American Dental Hygienists’ Association
The ADHA represents over 120,000 dental hygienists across the country. It’s website also contains valuable oral health care information including proper brushing and flossing instructions.
This website was designed to help patients better understand the treatments and procedures available in dentistry.
Sonicare is the #1 recommended power toothbrush brand by dental professionals.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Contains answers to frequently asked questions by parents about their baby’s dental care.
Washington Dental Service Baby Portal
Website dedicated to providing oral health care tips for infants and young children.
Provides various articles on how to ensure your baby grows up with healthy, strong teeth.
Games and activities for kids to learn about the importance of oral health care
Kids can explore this online laboratory to learn how to brush their teeth, what tobacco can do to a mouth, and how to make healthy food choices.