Good oral health begins with regularly maintaining one’s teeth from an early age. Dental cleanings should not be considered as a luxury that keeps up the appearance of a bright smile but as a necessity for the upkeep of your general health. In fact, being laid back about your dental hygiene can lead to several serious issues later on in life like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, strokes, etc. Apart from brushing and flossing at home, you should schedule regular dental checkups at your dentist and go for an annual teeth cleaning to ensure that your teeth are always clean and healthy. So, if you are looking for such services, then we, at Seattle’s Family Dentistry, can help. We understand the need for preventive maintenance and hence, we make sure that you, as our customer, would not have to go through any painful dental experiences later on in your life as we have a qualified team here to take care of all your dental woes. So, if you live in areas like Ballard WA, Fremont WA, Greenwood WA, Northgate WA, Seattle, Shoreline, etc. then we can be perfect for you!
Here’s how regular teeth cleanings from an early age can help. Take a look.
- Prevent Plaque
Did you know that the number one cause of tooth decay is plaque? This whitish film that forms on your teeth eats away the enamel and can also lead to cavities. However, if you give it early attentive care by going for tooth cleanings, then you can prevent its build-up.
- Remove Stains
Items like tea, coffee, wine or tobacco can severely stain your teeth. For this, you must schedule dental clean ups as they are very effective in removing built-up stains. Removing these stains regularly prevents the formation of permanent pigmentation. What you end up with are freshly polished teeth and a brighter smile.
If you need more assistance on such dental services, then give us a call now at 206-309-4063.